Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lesson 3 & 4

Mind Maps

The way where we can create a mind map from that is using creative thinking. Therefore creative thinking is divided into two sections: divergent thinking and convergent thinking.
Divergent ThinkingA thought process of method used to generate new creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions. It is often used in conjunction with convergent thinking, which follows a particular set of logical steps to arrive at one decided solution. Besides, it typically occurs in a spontaneous, free-flowing manner, at the end that ideas are generated in a random. Many possible solutions are explored in a short time so unexpected connections are drawn away. So ideas and information are organized and structured using convergent thinking.

This is an example mind map of how the
method of divergent thinking is used and generated.

Convergent ThinkingThis method a term coined by Joy Paul Guilford as the opposite of divergent thinking. It means convergent is the ability to give the correct answer to a standard question that do not require significant creativity. For example in most task either in school or on standardized multiple-choice tests for intelligence.
This image shows how convergent thinking method is used
in providing information.

Mind Mapping
Introduced by Tony Buzan and mind mapping is a great tool for generating ideas and brainstorm at the same time. It will enhance the both sides of the human brain and widely used in jotting down notes, doing research and generating new ideas. Therefore a creative Mind Map is able to stimulate and create interest to the individual and also to the viewer.

Logical Mind Map
Based on Wikipedia.com, a logical mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central keyword or idea. Mind map is used to explore and develop ideas for a specific problem, use it to think, take notes during discussion and summarize books and papers. We can identify, prove and understand the structure of a subject. Mind maps encourage creative problem solving, summarizing information, and thinking through a complex or difficult problems.

Associated Mind Map

It is a mind map that enables us to generate a random words out of a thousand words for example and also show the links between the words that seemingly totally have no connections with each other. The human brain is very different from a computer, whereas a computer works only in a linear fashion, but the brain works associatively as well as linearly in comparing, integrating and synthesizing as it goes.Association plays a dominant role in nearly every mental function, and words themselves are no exception.

A stereotype is a commonly held public belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. The concept of "stereotype" and "prejudice" are often confused with many other different meanings. Therefore, stereotypes are standardized and simplified conception of groups based on some prior assumptions. Stereotypes are not based on objective truth but rather on subjective and sometimes unverifiable content-matter. In another word, stereotype is also a conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified on conception, opinion

Well, this a simple mind map about myself. Even though i arranged it not according to

order, but yet you can start to view it according to you because no matter where you start, it will give you the same information. As you see the mind map, I have only stated three parts that represents myself that is About Me, Personality and Interest.
So when I started to do this mind map, firstly I will gather all the information about myself. Then after choosing the best points that represents me more, I will group it into a smaller group so this time will be lesser points. After tat, I search for images that represent my characteristics and start to design my mind map. The reason why I arranged like that is because it won't look messy and it is easier to read even from a far distance. At the end, I inserted images that has the same meaning with the points so it won't make my mind map looks boring with words only. In conclusion this mind map is all about myself and it looks very simple compare to other mind maps.

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