Thursday, October 28, 2010

The creative people fall into these 4 categories:

1) Aesthetic Organizers
2) Boundary Pushers  
3) Inventory                : those who take existing knowledge and create new ideas- the Edisons of this word. 
4) Boundary Breakers


Create an Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention image.


BornOctober 28, 1955 (age 55)
Seattle, Washington, USA
ResidenceMedina, WA
Alma materHarvard University (dropped out in 1975)
OccupationChairman of Microsoft (non-executive)
Chairman of board of Corbis
Co-Chair of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Director of Berkshire Hathaway
CEO of Cascade Investment
Net worthincreaseUS$54 billion (2010)[1]
SpouseMelinda Gates (m. 1994–present)
ParentsWilliam H. Gates, Sr.
Mary Maxwell Gates

Bill Gates is one of the most influential people in the world. He is cofounder of one of the most recognized brands in the computer industry with nearly every desk top computer using at least one software program from Microsoft. According to the Forbes magazine, Bill Gates is the richest man in the world and has held the number one position for many years.

Bill Gates was born and grew up in Seattle, Washington USA. His father, William H. Gates II was a Seattle attorney and his mother, Mary Maxwell Gates was a school teacher and chairperson of the United Way charity. Gates and his two sisters had a comfortable upbringing, with Gates being able to attend the exclusive secondary "Lakeside School".

Bill Gates started studying at Harvard University in 1973 where he spent time with 
Paul Allen. Gates and Allen worked on a version of the programming language BASIC, that was the basis for the MITS Altair (the first microcomputer available). He did not go on to graduate from Harvard University as he left in his junior year to start what was to become the largest computer software company in the world; Microsoft Corporation.


Love him or hate him, he sure hits the nails on the head with this!
To anyone with kids of any age, here's some advice. Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about 11 things they did not and will not learn in school. He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.

 Rule 1 : Life is not fair -- get used to it !

Rule 2 : The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplishsomething BEFORE you feel good about yourself. 

  Rule 3 : You will not make $60,000 a year right out of high school.You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.

Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.

Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping -- they called it opportunity.

Rule 6 : If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.

Rule 7 : Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from    
               paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you                  
                 are. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room. 

Rule 8 : Your school may have done away with winners  and losers, but life HAS NOT. In some schools they  
         have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.

Rule 9 : Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Do that on your own time.

Rule 10 : Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Rule 11 : Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.


Week 4.... Creative studies Lesson 2....

Lesson 2........



Creativity is the process of generating something new that has value. There are many new ideas and concepts, but some may not be considered creative. A creation is something original that has value.
The creative people is one who generates new ideas while the creative process is how these new ideas, solutions, and inventions are produced. 

Defining NOVELTY :
Novelty is the quality of being new. Although it may be said to have an objective dimension. 

Innovation is the process of making improvements by introducing something new, the realization of a creative idea in a social context.

Defining INVENTION : 
An invention is a new composition, device, or process. An invention may be derived from a pre-existing model or idea, or it could be independently conceived in which case it may be a radical breakthrough. In addition, there is cultural invention, which is an innovative set of useful social behaviors adopted by people and passed on to others.Inventions often extend the boundaries of human knowledge or experience. An invention that is novel and not obvious to others skilled in the same field may be able to obtain the legal protection of a patent.

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention.

What is novelty? Novelty is the quality of being something new. Some said that it may have an dimension but it only exists in the subjective perceptions of individuals. The objective is to create something that is new for all humanities in its development through ages. Therefore it's originality is not a decisive feature of creative work and is always based on what has been created before. Then the concept of novelty should not be taken for granted and the three elements that is levels, aspects and types should be distinguished. A historical approach implies that it is understood in either terms of contrast with a context and transformation of what was borrowed. the tendency for performance to initially improve when new technology is instituted, not because of any actual improvement in learning or achievement, but in response to increased interest in the new technology.The increased attention by students sometimes results in increased effort or persistence, which yields achievement gains. If they are due to a novelty effect, these gains tend to diminish as students become more familiar with the new medium.

CreativityCreativity is the process of generating something that is new and has value at the same time. Even there are many new ideas and concepts, but some may not have value and may not be considered creative. Therefore, a creation is something that is original and has value on it. (Haggins, 1995, p 3) Creativity does not happen inside people's head. but happens in the interaction between a person's thoughts and a sociocultural context. It is a systemic phenomenon compare to individual phenomenon. (Csikszentmihalyi, 1996, p 23) However this issue has surrounded a mysterious process that causes sparked discussion and arguments among scholars of psychologist. Creativity involves translation of our unique gifts, talents and vision into an external reality that is new and useful and it takes place unavoidably inside our own personal, social, and cultural boundaries. Furthermore, creativity can be identified based on a particular, specifiable features of products or persons thought or thought process. The ways in which societies have perceived the concept of creativity has changed thought out history, has the term itself. Renaissance men sought to give voice to their sense of their freedom and creativity. The first to apply the word "creativity," however, was the 17th-century Polish poet Maciej Karzimierez Sarbiewski — but he applied it only to poetry. In the 19th century, art took its revenge: now not only was art recognized as creativity, but it alone was. When later, at the turn of the 20th century, there began to be discussion as well of creativity in the sciences and in nature, this was taken as the transference, to the sciences and to nature, of concepts that were proper to art.


The definition is to bring in new ideas or make changes on the ideas created. (Oxford Dictionary) In another meaning, innovation is the process of making improvements by introducing something new, the realization of a creative idea in a social context or a process where an idea or invention is translated into a good or service for which people will pay. Therefore an idea must be replicable at an economical cost and satisfy a specific need. Although many innovations are created from inventions, it is possible to innovate without inventing, and to invent without innovating.

Innovation are divided into two broad categories:
1) Innovations are brought by numerous incremental advances in technology or processes and are of two types:
a) Continuous innovations in an alteration in product characteristics instead of in a new
product, and do not require any user-learning of changes in his/her routine. Examples,
multi-blade shaving razor, fluoride toothpaste and laptop computer.
b) Dynamic continuous require some user-learning but do not disrupts his/her routine.
Examples, fax machines, instant photography, and hand held computers.
2) Revolutionary innovations require good deal of user-learning, and often disrupts his/her routine, and may even require new behavior patterns. Examples, photocopy machines, personal computers and even internet.

Considerable literature has been produced on this hypothesis, which is often presented in terms of the effects of wage increases as an encouragement to labor-saving innovation. The hypothesis has also been applied to viewing increases in energy costs as a motivation for a more rapid improvement in energy efficiency of goods than would normally occur.

An invention is a new process or composition that creates a new item. Invention is a very creative process.
 It derived from a pre-existing model or idea, or it could be independently conceived in which may be a radical breakthrough.In addition, there is cultural invensions which is an innovative set from useful social behaviors adopted by people and passed on to others. Inventions often extend the boundaries of human knowledge or experience. Invention are something new created by inventors who take existing knowledge and generate new ideas or in other word invention is an open and curious mind enables one to see beyond what is known to enable inventors to think outside the box. Invention has a long and important history in the arts. Inventive thinking has always played a vital role in the creative process. While some inventions in the arts are patentable, others are not because they cannot fulfill the strict requirements governments have established for granting them.

Well from my experience as an art student, I can say that every design or drawing that is related to my course are required to fulfill all the required skill stated. This is due to once all the four skills is used then a good n creative design is created or invented. For example, during my foundation year at FCM Multimedia, I was required to produce an artwork that is about myself and have to do it as creative as possible so it is not wrong when in the starting there is not much ideas generated because ideas don't come instantly. Therefore with intensive thinking, more and more new ideas is created and finally I can produce a creative artwork about myself. This is the pictures of my artwork from the beginning until the finishing.

This is first drawing with just a rough idea
about myself.
After ideas is generated from the first painting,
the drawings become more detail.
This is the final design after the details about me is
transformed into paintings that represents the same meaning.

Difference between creativity with " C " and creativity " c "

Difference between creativity with " C " and  creativity " c " .

Creativity with "C"
     It is a type of creativity that happens once in a very long time and is extra ordinary. For example Creating something ahead of your time like Leornado da vinci made the mona lisa and no one has done anything like that in a long time.

Creativity with "c"
     It is the normal creativity that goes on everyday, for example some one making on advanced version and already existing creation. It can be finding a final answer to a very long question where most of the steps home been over come.

Reference :
NIWAGABA PETER  (1102702128)

Week 4.... Creative studies Lesson 1....

Lesson 1......

" A man paints with his brains and not with his hands ".

Defining Creativity:
To identify and to define the meaning of the word creativity and one of the definition being explored is, the generation of new ideas or a new way of doing things.

1) Only special talented people are creative.
    Write it is true that it seems like people like Mozart or Picaso are more creative than others, their creative
    genius will reveal a lot of very hard work, rather than innate talent.
2) Being creative is hard.
3) Problems are in our life to make it more difficult.
4) I am not creative.
    There is no such thing as people who are not creative.
5) Innovation is the domain of geniuses.
6) I have to have brand new ideas in order for me to be considered creative.
7) Brainstorming is hard work.
8) Only artists need to be creative.
9) Writer's block is a greater obtacle in the creative process.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What is Creative Studies & Creativity

What is Creative Studies???

The Creative Studies through a diverse menu of programs that cultivate skills in creative thinking, innovative leadership practices, and problem-solving techniques. Through the process of creative thought, it enhances an individual’s ability to imagine new ideas by learning how to envision that which cannot be immediately seen.

What is Creativity ???

Mind Maping

Learning Outcome

Learning Outcome
Upon successful completion of this module/lesson, students will be able to:

* Have a through understanding of the research and thinking (divergent or convergent) process.
* Demonstration a understanding of problem solving through the lateral thinking and 'mind maping' method and      
*Appreciate the importance of expressing a personal statement in design activity and the journey taken to
  envolve that statement.

WeEk 3

To develop student's ability to an issue or topic and from that carry out appropriate research, analysis and idea synthesis that will result in a unique, personal statement.

Hi Hi.........

My first Creative studies class.....

Name : Lee Wei Shin
ID : 1102702106
HOMETOWN : Negeri Sembilan
Age : 20
D.O.B : 30/06/1990
Email :

I'm going  to start my creative blog now.....
Haha..I'm going to write down what I have learn...
Let's start now....